perm filename MEMORY[0,BGB]2 blob sn#071773 filedate 1973-11-14 generic text, type C, neo UTF8
C00001 00001
C00002 00002	4.0	MEMORY  -  DATA STRUCTURES.
C00003 00003	4.1	Introduction to Geometric Data Structures.
C00005 00004	4.2	The Winged Edge Polyhedron Representation.
C00007 00005		FEV Sequential Accessing.
C00011 00006	Figure - THE WINGED EDGE.
C00012 00007	Winged Edge Data Structure.
C00017 00008	4.3	Representation of a Geometric Mental Universe.
C00019 00009	
C00020 00010	4.5	Interfacing to Other Data Types.
C00021 ENDMK

	4.1	Introduction to Geometric Data Structures.
	4.2	The Winged Edge Polyhedron Representation.
	4.3	Representation of a Geometric Mental Universe.
	4.4	The CRE and the FEV Image Representations.
	4.5	Interfacing to Other Data Types.

4.1	Introduction to Geometric Data Structures.

	In order to  get a computer  to deal with the  physical world
it  must have a  data representation on  which computations involving
space, time, shape, size  and the appearance  of things can be  done.
In this  section,  a representation  for the topology,   geometry and
photometry  of everyday  things  is explained.   The  data structures
discussed  are  implemented  as  small  blocks  of  words  containing
pointers and  data in the  fashion usual to  graphics and simulation;
an introduction  to  this  technology  can be  found  in  Knuth;  and
although the language of implementation is PDP-10  machine code,  the
data and  functions presented below are  accessible from higher level
languages like LISP and ALGOL.

4.2	The Winged Edge Polyhedron Representation.

Figure 1.6
FACE PERIMETER - a face is surrounded by edges and vertices.

		       / \
                      /   \
                     /     \
                    /       \
             EDGE  /         \  EDGE
                  /           \
                 /    FACE     \
                /               \
               /                 \
              /                   \
      VERTEX ⊗---------------------⊗ VERTEX

Figure 1.7
VERTEX PERIMETER - a vertex is surrounded by edges and faces.

	      FACE	|      FACE
	               / \
	              /   \
	             /     \
	            /       \
		   /  FACE   \
	       EDGE    	      EDGE

Figure 1.8
EDGE PERIMETER - an edge is surrounded by 2 faces & 2 vertices.


	FEV Sequential Accessing.
	FEV Perimeter Accessing.

	Within  each  body  there is face, edge and vertex sequential
accessing. Given a body, all its faces, or edges, or vertices need to
be  readily available since perspective projection loops thru all the
vertices, and the process of display  clipping  loops  thru  all  the
edges,  and  the act of checking for body intersection loops thru all
the faces.

	 In LISP, one might provide  FEV  sequential  accessing  by
placing  a  list  of faces, a list of edges and a list of vertices on
the property list of each body, so that a cube might  be  represented

	(DEFPROP CUBE (E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 E6 E7 E8 E9 E10 E11 E12)EDGES)

	Among the faces, edges and vertices of a body there
is perimeter accessing. Faces have a perimeter of edges and  vertices
[figure  1.6]; less commonly used, vertices have a perimeter of edges
and faces  [figure  1.7];  and  of  particular  note,  edges  have  a
perimeter  always formed by two faces and two vertices, [figure 1.8].
Perimeter accessing requires that given a face, edge or vertex,  that
the perimeter of that entity be readily accessible. Since the surface
of a polyhedron is orientable, that is has a well defined inside  and
outside,  (Klein  bottles  with their crosscaps will not be modeled),
such perimeter lists can be ordered (say clockwise) with  respect  to
the  exterior  of the polyhedron. Perimeter accessing is mentioned in
Guzman [reference 6] and Falk [reference 4]  and  is  the  underlying
basis  of  part-II  of  this  paper which presents a polyhedron model
built for accessing and altering face, edge and vertex perimeters.

	(As viewed from the exterior of a solid).

			\	  /
		 NCCW(E) \	 / PCW(E)
	                  \     /
	                   \   /      
	                    \ /
	                     ⊗ PVT(E)
               NFACE(E)      E         PFACE(E)
	              NVT(E) ⊗
	                    / \
	                   /   \        
	                  /     \
		  NCW(E) /	 \ PCCW(E)
			/	  \

Winged Edge Data Structure.

	Bodies, faces, edges and vertices are represented  by  blocks
of  contiguously addressed words. A single block size of ten words is
adequate. A single word, like a LISP node, can hold two addresses  or
a  floating  point  number.  The  BFEV  blocks  are pointed at by the
address of their word  numbered  zero  which  contains  control  bits
indicating  whether the block is a body, face, edge or vertex. Figure
2.1 illustrates the block  format  that  is  being  presented  as  an
example  of  a  winged edge data structure; a minimal number of words
for each block is indicated.

	The  basic  geometric  datum  is  the  vertex locus, which is
stored in three words of each vertex block at positions -3,  -2,  -1;
these  positions  are  named  XWC, YWC, ZWC respectively; the letters
"WC" standing for "world coordinates".

	The basic topological data are the three rings of  the  body;
(a  ring  of  faces, a ring of edges, and a ring of vertices) and the
winged edge pointers (eight such pointers in each edge block,and  one
such  pointer  in  each  face  and  vertex block). The face, edge and
vertex ring pointers  are  stored  at  positions  +1,  +2,  +3;  each
position  has  two  names:    NFACE,  NED,  NVT for the left pointers
respectively; and PFACE, PED, PVT for the right.   A  face,  edge  or
vertex can only belong to one body and so there is only one body node
in a given face, edge or vertex ring; and that body  node  serves  as
the  head of the ring. The reason for double pointer rings is for the
sake of rapid deletion; other minor advantages would not justify  the
use of double rings.

	The  eight  WINGED  pointers  of  an edge block include:  two
pointers to the faces of that edge, two pointers to the  vertices  of
that  edge, and four pointers to the next edges clockwise and counter
clockwise in each of that edge's two faces; these last four  pointers
are  called  the  wings of that edge. As figure 2.2 suggests, four of
these eight pointers are stored in the same positions and referred to
by  the  same  names as the face and vertex ring pointers; namely the
NFACE, PFACE, NVT and PVT pointers. There are four ways  in  which  a
pair  of faces and a pair of vertices can be placed into the two face
positions and two vertex positions of an edge; by constraining  these
choices  two  bits are implicitly encoded, one bit is called the edge
parity, and the other is called the surface parity;  these  bits  are
explained  later.  Finally,  the  single winged edge pointer found in
faces and vertices is kept in the position named PED and it points to
one of the edges belonging to that face or vertex.

	Although  the  vertices  in  figure  2.2 are shown with three
edges, vertices may have any number of edges; those  other  potential
edges would not be directly connected to E and so were not shown.
4.3	Representation of a Geometric Mental Universe.

	At the top of the data structure is a  single  universe  node
from  which  everything  else can be reached.   Immediately below the
universe node is a ring  of  world  models.   A  robot  dealing  with
physical world sensor input, such as video data, has one of its world
models dedicated to simulating  the  immediate  here  and  now;  this
mental  world  is  called the reality world model. In addition to the
reality world, a robot may have  fantasy  world  models  for  problem
solving, planning or for recalling platonic object prototypes. In the
following, a two world mental universe will be the most common,  with
the  reality world being referred to as a "map" and the fantasy world
being referred to as a "dictionary".

	Geometric world models have four  basic  kinds  of  nodes:
body, face, edge and vertex. The face, edge and vertex nodes are used
to form polyhedrons which may be attached to body nodes.  Body  nodes
in  turn  are  connected  to  each other in rings and trees to form a
world model. Additional kinds of nodes  discribe  cameras  and  light
sources  as  well  as  temporary  data  such  as shadows, spines, and

	The image data structure  presented  in  this  section  is  a
computer's  internal  notation  for  what  is  vulgarly called a line
drawing; the common term is misleading because it  does  not  suggest
the  equally  important  space between the lines; terms closer to the
idea would be "mosaic drawing" or "stained glass window drawing".

The  data  structure  has  main  levels:  TV  raster,  video
intensity contour, arc contour, and region-edge.
4.5	Interfacing to Other Data Types.